Children’s House Montessori School(東京都港区)

勤務地 〒106-0046 東京都港区元麻布3-1-23
(最寄り駅①:東京メトロ 日比谷線「六本木駅」徒歩10分)
(最寄り駅②:東京メトロ 南北線「麻布十番駅」徒歩10分)

マイカー通勤について NG
求人職種 保育士
雇用形態 正社員
就業時間 8時00分~17時00分
仕事内容 ・3-6歳クラスの担任
求めるモンテッソーリの資格種類 <コース>
(AMI) 国際モンテッソーリ協会公認 モンテッソーリ教員養成コース 修了

求める人物像 ・Support for and belief in the aims of Children’s House Montessori School Tokyo.

・A high level of flexibility, initiative self-motivation and energy.

・Willingness to work beyond normal hours when necessary.

・Reflect and evaluate the impact of practice, modifying approaches where necessary, and taking responsibility for identifying and meeting professional and development needs.

・Ability to be calm and act with gentleness.

・The ability to establish and sustain a culture of collaborative and cooperative working between colleagues.
応募条件 【必須】保育士資格、AMI修了、3年以上の保育士経験、バイリンガル(英語・日本語)
採用者からのメッセージ The mission of Children’s House Montessori School is to provide ideal learning environments for each stage pf the child’s early development, adhering to the guiding principles of AMI (Association Montessori Internationale).

Above all, we are committed to an education that guides children to become joyful, life-long learners, engaged, and compassionate member in our diverse world.

We value our commitment to our mission by;

• Aiding cooperation and involvement of parents, guides, students and the grater community

• Cultivating a caring school community that accentuates respect for one another and welcomes diversity

• Providing an environment that supports life-long learning

Children’s House Montessori School provides an authentic Montessori preschool education in English for international children aged one through kindergarten in beautifully prepared classrooms, with trained AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) guides who are passionate about the education of the individual child.

We follow the western academic calendar September to June, there are generous holidays throughout the year and professional development regularly, work with experienced international guides and assistants.
給与等 月給:¥250,000~280,000
賞与:1ヶ月 ※前年度実績:1ヶ月

福利厚生 <保険>

感染予防対策 全職員に対し、出勤前の検温などの健康チェックを行なっています。


連絡先 電話:03-6447-4750
(担当者:May Ishikawa 希望の曜日:月〜金 時間帯;15〜17時)


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  • 募集者とのやり取り等について当サイト運営者は一切責任を負いかねますので、ご了承ください。
  • 求人に関する掲載内容の完全性、正確性、有用性を保証するものではありません。
